Take a Breath

 January!  Like every year there’s always talk of resolutions, goals, how crappy the year before was, changes we didn’t make, relationships that were made or ended. ETC.


Each year I end up realizing how great life is.  Like seriously, it is awesome!  Go ahead laugh, I know some of you will, and that’s ok.  What I am getting at is your days, weeks, months, years, are exactly what you THINK they are.  If you wake up thinking “today is gonna suck” guess what?  It will!  Congratulations!  You just got what you asked for.   When you look at yourself in the mirror and think “ugghh, I am so fat and out of shape” Congratulations!  You just got what you asked for with a side of depression because you put those thoughts into your head.  If you are at a meeting at work and think “these people drive me nuts” CONGRATULATIONS!  They certainly will because you mentally allow them to do so.  When you’re paying bills and you think “damn it, we never can get ahead” CONGRATULATIONS!  You are where you are at because you won’t allow your mind to go beyond “not getting ahead”

How do you change it?  It starts with you and your thoughts.  It is proven that what you think about often and consistently will manifest itself into your life one way or another.  No, you can’t consistently think a money tree will grow in your back yard or the you will wake up with a super model figure.  BUT when you start thinking more proactively you then in turn start doing things more proactively.  You start to change how you view certain areas in your life. 

It will not happen overnight and it will take consistent effort from you.  If you really want to have an awesome year, and awesome life, an awesome day.  Start with believing it.

If you really dissect 2019 and every detail that happened in your life, I would bet more good things happened than bad.  You can’t say your year/day/week sucked because one bad thing happened. 

Now, I get it.  If you had some serious trauma, a death, terminal illness, etc.  You’re really having a difficult time accepting this blog.  I’ve been there, and yes there have been some years that were less stellar than others, but not one has totally sucked, including the year my mother passed away.

Those traumatic parts of your life only consume you if you allow them too.  And grant it, sometimes they are very difficult to work through.  However, no matter what situation you are dealing with currently, if you can look outside and smile because the sun is shining and you have another day to try again, then you too can have a great day/week/year.

Take a breath!  Look up SMILE INSANELY HUGE!!  Hold that smile for 30 seconds, after 30 seconds list 10 things in your life that you are grateful for.  Now hold on to that feeling because your day/week/year does not suck.

Take breath. 



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