The Time is NOW

The Time is NOW



What are you waiting for? 

We have all heard “Time is short, make the most of every minute”  but do you?
We’ve also heard “Health is wealth” but are you rich in health or do you even care?


The past few weeks have been heart breaking for me.  Those two sayings could not be more accurate.  We take everything for granted.  We say we have “intentions” on doing better, being better, working on our mindset, eating better, exercising better….but BUT BUT, this got in the way, that happened, work called, money circumstances happened. BUT BUT BUT!!!  Now you’re too late.


What do you do on a consistent basis that positively impacts your life?  Consistent= every-single-day!  Not just,  “once a week I exercise”, or “I ate a healthy lunch today”, or “I tried reading” a self-help/ motivational book, but then, but then, but then….” 

Have you done this?

“I wanted too” but….but but but!

“I was going too” but….but…but!

“Awe, I missed it!”


I’ve noticed over the years we waste soooo much time, and it’s gotten worse with social media at our finger tips.  I notice not many truly listen to what you say, too many are quick to judge, we get “offended” too easily.  We say “we can’t” more than we say “we can”.   We don’t have “time” but yet we stand around staring blankly at our cell phones, more interested in the next post, or the next update than we are in whatever it is you are supposed to be paying attention too. We say “can’t afford it” but need “retail therapy” We send an IM, DM, Text, Snap, rather than actually calling. 

The time is NOW!  What are you waiting for? 

You CAN change your habits, you CAN put the phone away when you are talking to someone, you CAN pay attention to your kids sports/concert/ recital  without a distraction, you CAN eat better, you CAN exercise daily, you HAVE TIME, you HAVE TIME, you HAVE TIME.  

Make the decision to start being present. Make the decision every day to eat healthier, to move your body, to put down your phone when you are engaging in conversations or with your kids.  Make the time to take care of yourself, to live a long  life filled with every opportunity rather than missed ones.  Go for a walk (or go workout) during your kids sports practices and be present with the energy nature is giving freely.  

What you do NOW will positively impact your life can add years to it.  What you do now will positively impact your life and  your families.

The time is NOW! 

What are you waiting for?




MABFIT specializing in custom exercise/fitness/nutrition programs to fit all needs.