
It’s Sunday night, it’s been a fast and furious weekend. The days seem to blend right into the next and the next thing you know the weekend is over and it’s back to the grind. As my kids say often WAIT….WHAT! I find myself in a frenzy of keeping my sh*t together, and hoping for the best. Most days I can pull it off, but I have a little surprise for you. I AM HUMAN! I…

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Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Have you ever been with those close to you, the ones you may have known since you were child, and thought “wow, Betty is always negative” or “Bob sure is miserable all the time.”  Have you ever gone as far to ask them why they are this way only to get responses of negativity or everything always happens to me, my life sucks, can’t catch a break, etc.   Have you put yourself in…

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Lacking Confidence

Confidence   January 19, 2018   I finished my first book of 2018 today, “Ultimate Confidence” by Marisa Peer.  I must say it is a phenomenal book, one that I am sure I will read again. During my time reading this book I couldn’t help but to reflect back at how many people I know (including myself) lack some part of confidence in their lives.  It’s quite disheartening.  I kept asking myself “why”. Why does he/she…

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What’s Your WHY

There’s been a “shift”.  A shift in mood, motivation, energy, mindset.  It is all around us.  Is it “routine”, is it boredom, is it lack of desire?  Choice.  Everyday you make a choice. As soon as you wake up you set the stage for your day ahead.  My son learned a great lesson from his coach this football season (one of many) “If you have the choice to be happy or sad, why wouldn’t you choose…

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Self Confidence

I can’t help but notice more and more individuals (women/girls) lacking self-confidence.  It seems to be everywhere.  So much judging one another rather than motivating one another.  Not sure if you’ve noticed but positivity towards one another breeds more positivity; SO STOP BEING A NEGATIVE NANCY OR A DEBBIE DOWNER! Our lack of self-confidence is what reduces our mind set and starts pointing fingers at others for our own issues.  Let’s take a look inside ourselves…

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MONDAY Blues and Attitudes

#1 Ever go to bed thinking “I have to wake up in 5 hours and I ‘m going to be exhausted, tomorrow is not going to great.” Ever wake up and say or think “I’m so tired, today is going to suck.”  And ultimately your day did suck, and the people around you that day were negative or in a bad mood as well.   #2 Ever go to bed thinking, “what a great day! I…

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Mind Set…..What?

“If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse” -Jen Sincero author “You are a BadAss” So, yeah, it’s been awhile since I blogged anything news worthy.  More like, since I set aside time to actually do so.  Summer has had its shot and we can soon welcome fall.  Cooler weather, sweatshirts, and most everyone’s favorite….everything flavored pumpkin! With the change of season, wouldn’t it be a…

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