There’s been a “shift”. A shift in mood, motivation, energy, mindset. It is all around us. Is it “routine”, is it boredom, is it lack of desire? Choice. Everyday you make a choice. As soon as you wake up you set the stage for your day ahead. My son learned a great lesson from his coach this football season (one of many) “If you have the choice to be happy or sad, why wouldn’t you choose happy every time.” If you have the choice to be positive or negative, why wouldn’t you choose positive every time? If you have the choice to put forth your best effort at a workout, your job, your family, why wouldn’t you put forth your best effort every time?
No one but YOU can create your own “ENERGY” “MOTIVATION” “HAPPINESS” “SUCCESS”. Sure, you can get a feel of those by doing certain things, but in the end it comes down to YOU.
If you are counting on a friend, a family member, or anybody else to do these for you; you’re going to be waiting a long time.
So how do you find these things within yourself? How do I find it….because I will be honest, there are plenty of days I’d rather stay in bed, not work out (yep).
I know within myself I have a deep desire to better myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have a family that is dependent on me to take care of myself in order to take care of them. I am too blessed to be stressed, and this is something I remind myself daily.
If you attend my group sessions or train with me personally; I have some homework for you. Even if you don’t train with me or attend groups, email me or message me your why. There’s a wonderful release that comes from sharing your why with others.
- What ONE thing makes you truly happy? (example, puts a smile on your face with little effort, fills your heart)
- One honest to God reason you exercise.
- At the end of the day, what ONE thing are you grateful for in your life.
- What is ONE thing you can not live without?
- Do you put forth your best efforts during times for yourself (exercise)? explain briefly
- If you could get rid of ONE stressor in your life, what would it be?
Some people may think that the “mindset” is corny, weird. That meditation, self improvement is a waste of time. These people, in my opinion, are the ones that need it most. 2017 has been a learning lesson on these things for my personal growth, my mindset. Everyday I am learning more, sharing more, and hoping that more people will take my lead and start being mindful daily. It all starts with you! You can choose to have the best day, the best workout. Or you can choose not too. The fact still remains the same, it is not dependent on others (instructors, trainers, boss’s, teachers, parents, coaches) it is YOU.