Self Confidence

I can’t help but notice more and more individuals (women/girls) lacking self-confidence.  It seems to be everywhere.  So much judging one another rather than motivating one another.  Not sure if you’ve noticed but positivity towards one another breeds more positivity; SO STOP BEING A NEGATIVE NANCY OR A DEBBIE DOWNER!

Our lack of self-confidence is what reduces our mind set and starts pointing fingers at others for our own issues. 

Let’s take a look inside ourselves and really see the person we are, rather than what you “think” you should look like or whom you should look like.   It’s not really about what we look like anyway.  In the grand scheme of life, at the end of the day, that person or persons whom you “think” are perfect may just be doing the same thing you are doing about someone else.  No one is perfect. But we are all what our mind tells us we are.  So what’s your mind telling you?  If it’s not positive, if it’s not self-motivating, if it’s not telling you that you are beautiful, strong, smart, and that you have the power to be GREAT!  Then you best shut that shit off and reset that mind pronto!

If you are unhappy with yourself, find the courage within to take the steps to CHANGE. You are surrounded by everything you need to become everything you want. Just open your eyes, take the steps needed to do what it is to get you started, and then repeat those steps every day! Be BRAVE!

When you look at yourself, stop picking yourself apart. “uggh, my butt is too big, what are these rolls!, my arms are too saggy, I don’t have enough money, time, etc” my my my my OH MY!  Get over it and start doing something about it. Embrace the challenge to make a change.

Just to let you know….Thighs that touch are NORMAL…..ROLLS…(not dinner rolls either) guess what? YOU NEED ROLLS TO BEND!  You are not a fixated joint unable to bend. Every joint that bends on your body creates a “roll”.   Money…endless opportunities to create and make more; Time…you’re probably wasting more of it than you realize (by complaining about not having enough of it you just wasted minutes of it!)

You are a rock star! Go out and make some noise in making positive changes to yourself.

(rolls, yep I got em)

(thigh gap ….. nadda)