Self Confidence

I can’t help but notice more and more individuals (women/girls) lacking self-confidence.  It seems to be everywhere.  So much judging one another rather than motivating one another.  Not sure if you’ve noticed but positivity towards one another breeds more positivity; SO STOP BEING A NEGATIVE NANCY OR A DEBBIE DOWNER! Our lack of self-confidence is what reduces our mind set and starts pointing fingers at others for our own issues.  Let’s take a look inside ourselves…

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Stretching….If you know me, have trained with me, or have taken a group session of mine, you know very well that I do not take the time to stretch.  Yes, if asked, I will instruct on which stretch to do, how to do it, and how long/how often.  I admit, I fall short on the stretching detail.  However, it has occurred to me just how many young kids are getting injuries lately. And maybe I have…

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