Throughout my almost 45 years I have come to learn various life lessons. One of the most important (to me) is finding those moments to let yourself be still, your mind to be still, your thoughts focused on the just that exact moment. Have those moments often.
My journeys of hiking have been long in the making. Only recently did I realize how much hiking trails, mountains impacted my life in a most profound way.
Some long for lazy days on the beach soaking up the sun and the sound of the waves crashing, some crave more adventurous activities, or amusement theme parks, others are content being at home. Whatever you choose, may it have a positive impact on your life and make your thoughts go towards a bigger purpose. This is bigger than you, more than you. It is wonderful that we all have different interests and places that we yearn for to help us dig through this life. Our experiences, positive and possibly negative can help others learn how to reach, how to grow, how to be in the present. Without judging, comparing, competing, just learn.
If these boots could talk….
When I set out to hike, I typically research trails for terrain, elevation, level of difficulty, and of course mileage. I prefer
to day hike for now, eventually I would love to try thru hiking. Once I have a course of action in my mind, I pack my bag with the necessities and head out. Once I am on the trail the challenge begins. The challenge not just the physical aspect but mo
re of a mental aspect. I know my bodies limits and how to push past them to a reasonable level. It’s my mind that gets the workout. On the trail I find comfort in the peacefulness that surrounds me. My senses heighten, my ears pick up all kinds of nature’s symphony. I gradually touch a boulder, a tree, to feel the energy. Energy on the trail is amazing once you let yourself feel it. It’s difficult at times to look up and take it all in as my eyes are scanning and planning for my next steps/scrambles, like a puzzle sometimes is how you step in order to stay upright and not face planted on the ground. As the elevation turns up and I start my ascent the muscles engage, my heart pounds, my breathing is quickened and louder. Thoughts stream in out, “what the hell”, “holy shit, I’m hot, need to shed layers”, “whose idea was this…oh yeah mine”, “just get to the trail marker”. These are at least my initial thoughts. Then that energy that nature so gloriously provides kicks in and I become present in the moment. The thoughts shift to “you got this” “wow, I am so blessed” “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Reaching the summit is when I truly feel it. The view, wherever it may be is amazing. There it is all laid out before me, this wondrous view. I look up and thank God for all of it. Then the tears fill my eyes as I really am in the present. Breathe it in, soak it in, close my eyes and let it consume me. This is why I hike.
There are thoughts all along the way, however, they are clear and precise and as easily as they come, I can let them go. It’s almost as I am hiking and meditating, it’s cleansing in a way. The miles hiked; the mountains climbed make me stronger in ways I never could have imagined. The exhaustion, sore muscles/joints and even blisters are just proof that to work through life’s lessons will be hard. At times you won’t think you’ll make it. You’ll shout out “WHY ME” but you’ll keep going, and you will make it. You may curse and swear, and yes you will cry. But you will make it. And you will be stronger on the other side, as long as you never give up.
There’s a force that pulls at each of us. It is something so great and so powerful, but only few actually feel it. This force is bigger than you, than me, than anything. If you believe in it, it will also set your soul free.