
Energy=  The ability to act, lead others, effect.  Exertion of power! An adequate or abundant amount of such power! The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. (

I’ve been talking much lately about energy. More so in the sense of positive energy. You probably  heard me say, “no energy vampires allowed”, “get on my energy bus”.  I ended my 2016 year knowing something needed to change. Not just me, but also those around me.  But I thought I better start with myself and maybe the effect of it would rub off onto to others.

Honestly, I have felt wonderful everyday since I made this change….and it didn’t cost me a dime.   What did I do? I decided to kick negativity to the curb.  Negative thoughts, feelings, and people too!  I start my day with a simple affirmation “I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful & to determined to be defeated”.  I have many others that I look at throughout the day or when those negative ninjas (because they are sly and sneaky) creep in.

I’ve changed many other things in my life as well, simple, small things that make a world of difference.

To some of you, you may think this is corny/weird or that you don’t have time. Well, think what you like, but once again YOU ARE THE DRIVER OF YOUR BUS!  YOU CONTROL YOUR CHOICES.  Whether or not you know it, your energy directly affects those around you.  Why is everyone so miserable at work?? Well, you may want to step out of your box and see if it is you that is creating the miserable atmosphere around the work place.  “Why does everything negative happen to me.”  Hmmm, maybe you’re sending out the negative and like a boomerang it’s coming right back.

The energy you exude is the same energy you get back.  Try it for a week, faithfully, consistently, and see how you feel.  Look at those you surround yourself with, are they positive, happy, full of energy or are they always down in the dumps, nothing is ever right, and they complain all the time.  Like energy, you want to surround yourself with individuals who reflect the way you desire to be (happy, positive, energy, successful, caring, genuine, etc).

Something else I am finding that works well for my friends and clients; a simple 5 sec inspiring, motivational, affirmation text message.  The response I get back is wonderful!  If, for a brief moment their day is  positive, that alone can set the positive pace for the remainder of their day. Positive clients, with energy are much more productive and FUN to work with.  I am sure employee’s would be as well.

If you feel like this is speaking to you, then it may certainly be!  Change your perspective, change your mindset!  Because what you tell your brain is exactly what it will do!