You may have noticed (or not) that yours truly has been running much more than usual. You also may have noticed a hash tag of #RUN4RED being used by me and other Mabfit followers. What is this all about? Who/what is Red? Let me give a brief insight on one of the bravest people I am fortunate enough to call my friend.
Kelly, or “Red” as I have given her this nickname years ago, due to her red hair and her face getting red when I piss her off or make her do burpees and such. Kelly is my age (40 something), we went to high school together, got into trouble together. Time passed, we grew up went separate ways, and a few years ago we were both blessed to cross paths again when she reached out to me to help her in her weight loss journey.
Now, if there was ever a dark cloud that followed you, it may have been remenents of Kelly’s cloud. There always seemed to be a cloud of dread following her, just waiting for her to have a great stretch of “normalcy” and then BAM! here comes that damn cloud to mess it up. Did it depress her, did it make her angry? Sure it did! BUT she always has had a positive outlook and strong willed mind to get her through what ever that cloud poured down on her.
Red has always struggled with weight loss. A real roller coaster in fact. Up, then down, around, down, down, and back up again. There came a very low time in her life that altered that positive outlook. This affected that weight loss coaster and there were no more downs, only up, for her weight that is. Once she reached roughly 265lb (at a height of 5″4″) she made a decision that ended up changing her life in many ways. Kelly had gastric surgery to aide her in the never ending up roller coaster. Before you say “she took the easy way out” I’ll be the first to tell you this has NOT been easy for her in any way, shape or form.
A few months after the surgery and about 60lb lost, Kelly noticed she had a large lymph node. Concerned, she went to her doctor and had it checked. She was diagnosed with stage 1 lymphoma. Cancer was now her dark cloud. The blow of this still did not knock her down! She continued training with me, eating a healthy meal plan in accordance to her surgery guidelines. She resumed running, something she loves to do. Heck, she even joined my hellish 8 week challenge! Midway through our challenge, things took a turn for the worse. That dark cloud kicked up again and Kelly’s lymph nodes were increasingly bigger. Diagnoses of now stage 3 lymphoma that has now gone to her blood.
Talk about pulling the rug right out from under your feet! After an emotional time coming to terms with this new diagnoses; Kelly pressed on. She continued to train with me and run! She met with specialists who have given her some new found hope and meds that currently seem to be doing what they are supposed to do.
#RUN4RED was started when Kelly signed up to run a 1/2 marathon in April. There a bunch of Mabfit followers who are also running. I am running with Kelly, with my Red. Running is what makes her smile and laugh. Even though I swear I am not a runner (I just like the shoes) I will be by her side for those 13.1 miles and proud to cross that finish line with the strongest person I know, Red.
Below is a before and after picture of Kelly/Red. Her weight loss is at 100lbs to date.