You may have noticed (or not) that yours truly has been running much more than usual. You also may have noticed a hash tag of #RUN4RED being used by me and other Mabfit followers.  What is this all about? Who/what is Red? Let me give a brief insight on one of the bravest people I am fortunate enough to call my friend. Kelly, or “Red” as I have given her this nickname years ago, due to…

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150lbs What does that look like?

The SCALE…uugghh! The evil little device that sits in most bathrooms in a corner just eyeing you up every morning. Do you or don’t you step on it every day? I hope that you you don’t!  The scale, obviously used as a tool to keep track of weight management has become and OCD nuisance.  We get so caught up on the number it blurts out at us that it can make or break our emotional well…

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